Wednesday, 13 March 2013

David La Chapelle and Lady Gaga

When discussing with my lecturer what I planned to base my fashion shoots on, I decided to look into different type of fashion photographs and how they interpret fashion in their eyes. David La Chapelle is not strictly a fashion photograph, but used the pop star Lady Gaga in some unusual and visually striking images for his portfolio.

David La Chapelles images fit with Lady Gaga's outrageous and out there personality that everyone has been conveyed in her music and fashion sense. The image above struck me because of the newspaper used as clothing. It could be said that anything can be classed as clothing, however, I would have never have thought to dress my model in something so revealing for a photoshoot for the front cover of Vogue. Therefore, however interesting and visually striking the image is, I plan to use a more toned down style when photographing my models, as something of the above attire would not be considered suitable for the front cover of a popular and talked about fashion magazine.

The photograph above is the kind of photograph I thought about when looking at producing my double page spread. I want my photograph to be based on the theme I have chosen; Spring, but consist of two interlinking photographs, or one photograph presented over two pages. I love the concept of the above image, but it is something completely out of my comfort zone and ability as a first year student.

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