Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Proposal #2

Proposal – Professional Frameworks 2
Laura Parkinson

I have always been inspired by Vogue magazine, ever since I began my journey in photographs a number of years ago, and since then have always wanted to produce a magazine based on their work. Creating a whole magazine is something completely out of my reach for this project, but I want to begin my photographic project by producing a front cover, double page article and an advertisement for a well-known brand using InDesign and my photographs.

I have been initially inspired by the work of Vogue and Elle magazine, in the way they use their photographs to present a look or fashion of the time. More so, I have been inspired by Vogue Korea, for their alternative style and the way they incorporate text into their front covers. I researched into the Vogue Korea front cover that I included on my blog, and I loved the way English and Korean typography was incorporated together. I also looked at Elle magazine, and how their interface was different from that of Vogue’s.

The main theme that I want to run throughout my images is that of dark fashion and use of alternative lighting. As it is spring at the moment, and will be running throughout my project until submission, I thought it would be ideal to use the weather and take models outdoors rather than sticking to the stereotypical studio location for my entire magazine. Winter is known for raining, so I have the chance now to take my model to outdoor locations without worrying about the weather and whether it will rain and ruin my shoot. I plan to produce a studio shot for my front cover, however, as most front covers I have seen include a model again a plain background, seemingly in a studio location.  For my double page spread, I plan to use a model outdoors, and want to take the opportunity when I visit London on holiday to produce this photo-shoot. I want to use alternative lighting such as artificial light and natural light to highlight my model. For the advertisement, I want to produce an advertisement for either Lynx or an alternative mens fragrance, as I have only dabbled with producing advertisements for beauty products, and would like to experiment with producing a different advert.

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